The Cruel and Illegal Practice of Cockfighting!

Cockfighting is a blood sport that involves forcing two or more specially bred birds, known as gamecocks, to fight each other in an enclosed pit for the purposes of gambling and entertainment. It is a brutal and inhumane activity that causes immense suffering and death to the animals involved, as well as posing serious risks to public health and safety, and fostering criminal activity.

In this article, we will explore the history and culture of cockfighting in the US, why it is still a problem despite being illegal in every state, and how we can stop it.

Cockfighting: A Blood Sport That Harms Animals and Humans

Cockfighting is not a natural or harmless form of animal behavior. It is a result of artificial selection and manipulation by humans who breed the birds for maximum aggression and endurance. The birds are often injected with steroids and other drugs to enhance their performance, and are fitted with razor-sharp blades or spikes on their legs that can inflict fatal injuries to their opponents. A typical cockfight can last anywhere from several minutes to more than half an hour, and usually results in the death of one or both birds.

Cockfighting Impacts.

Even if they survive the fight, the birds suffer from severe wounds, infections, blood loss, dehydration, and stress. Most of them are discarded or killed after losing a fight, or are forced to fight again until they die. The birds that are kept for breeding are confined to small cages or tethered to stakes, deprived of natural stimuli and social interaction.

Cockfighting also harms humans who participate in or witness this violent spectacle. It exposes them to diseases such as avian influenza, salmonella, E. coli, and Newcastle disease, which can be transmitted from the birds to humans through contact with blood, feces, or feathers. It also desensitizes them to animal suffering and violence, especially children who are brought to these events by their parents or relatives. Moreover, it encourages illegal gambling, drug trafficking, gang activity, illegal weapon sales, and other crimes that often accompany cockfighting operations .

The History and Culture of Cockfighting in the US

Cockfighting is one of the oldest forms of animal fighting, dating back to ancient times in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Latin America. It was brought to the US by European settlers in the 17th century, and became a popular pastime among colonists and later Americans of all classes and backgrounds.

Cockfighting History & Culture in US

However, cockfighting also faced opposition from animal welfare advocates, moral reformers, and religious groups, who denounced it as a cruel, barbaric, and sinful practice. In the 19th century, several states passed laws to ban or regulate cockfighting, but they were often ignored or circumvented by cockfighters who moved their operations underground or to remote areas.

In the 20th century, cockfighting continued to thrive in some regions of the US, especially in the South and the West, where it was influenced by the influx of immigrants from countries where cockfighting was legal or common. It also developed into a more organized and sophisticated industry, with professional breeders, trainers, promoters, and gamblers involved.

In the 21st century, cockfighting has faced increasing pressure from animal welfare groups, law enforcement agencies, and public opinion, which have led to more stringent laws and crackdowns on cockfighting operations. However, cockfighting still persists in some pockets of the US, where it is defended by some as a cultural tradition or a personal choice.

The Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding Cockfighting in the US

Cockfighting raises several legal and ethical issues that challenge our values and principles as a society. Some of these include:

  • Animal rights: Cockfighting violates the basic rights of animals to live free from harm, exploitation, and abuse. It subjects them to unnecessary pain and suffering for human amusement and profit. It also deprives them of their natural behaviors and needs, such as socializing, foraging, and nesting.
  • Human rights: Cockfighting violates the basic rights of humans to live in a safe and healthy environment. It exposes them to diseases that can be fatal or debilitating. It also exposes them to violence that can be traumatic or harmful. It also exploits them for their money or labor by luring them into illegal gambling or criminal activities .
  • Social justice: Cockfighting perpetuates social injustice by exploiting vulnerable groups such as immigrants, minorities, and low-income communities. It preys on their poverty, ignorance, or desperation by offering them false hopes or opportunities. It also isolates them from mainstream society by creating a subculture of secrecy and illegality .

Why Cock-fighting Is Still a Problem in the US and How to Stop It

Despite being illegal in every state and a felony in 42 states, cockfighting is still a widespread problem in the US.

Cockfighting Prevention.

According to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), there are tens of thousands of cockfighters operating in all 50 states. Some of the reasons why cockfighting persists include:

  • Lack of enforcement: Many law enforcement agencies lack the resources, training, or motivation to crack down on cockfighting operations. Some may even be corrupted or intimidated by the powerful criminal networks behind them .
  • Weak penalties: In some states, cockfighting is still only considered a misdemeanor offense and not a felony. This means that the offenders face minimal fines or jail time, which do not deter them from continuing their illegal activities.
  • Cultural acceptance: In some communities, especially among immigrants from countries where cockfighting is legal or tolerated, cockfighting is seen as a tradition or a sport that is part of their heritage or identity.

To stop cockfighting in the US, we need to take a comprehensive approach that involves:

  • Strengthening laws: We need to make cockfighting a felony offense in every state and territory, as well as increasing the penalties for offenders. We also need to ban the possession or sale of birds for fighting purposes, as well as the possession of animal fighting paraphernalia such as blades or gaffs.
  • Enhancing enforcement: We need to provide more funding, training, and support for law enforcement agencies to detect and dismantle cockfighting operations. We also need to encourage cooperation and coordination among federal, state, and local authorities, as well as animal welfare organizations and whistleblowers.
  • Raising awareness: We need to educate the public about the reality and consequences of cockfighting, and dispel the myths and misconceptions that surround it. We also need to promote compassion and respect for animals, and foster a culture of nonviolence and peace.

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